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New Jersey video production blog of Yeti Nest Films

Yeti Nest Films Color Grade Reel: Luna Parc Video

Nick Patrick

We had fun color grading one of the more visually stunning subjects in our projects to date, Luna Parc. Color grading is one of the final stages of the filmmaking process where you see your cinematography and story come to life. On set we shoot what they call a flat or RAW file, contrary to its name, this method captures the most dynamic information of luminance, saturation, and contrast levels. A Colorist then uses this latitude to their advantage when meticulously enhancing the video images in post production. It's a detailed process of altering the video images for aesthetic and story purposes. One grading technique we used in Luna Parc's video was a deep contract of color tones. We used warm tones to further enhance this vibrant, warm, and magical home, contrasted by a bubble of cool color temperatures to help the illusion of a winter wonderland atmostphere. Here is a reel of some sample before and after color grades!

To see the final video!